Anesthesia Delivery
Diagnostic ECG
Maternal Infant Care
Patient Monitoring
Pharmaceutical Imaging Agents
Digital Solutions
Service Training Application form (PDF)
Registration Instructions
Note: All training must be completed within 24 months of purchase.
Please carefully review our cancellation policy and how it applies to your cancellation. Should you wish to cancel your registration, we enforce a time sensitive policy. As you can appreciate, a cancelation with less than four weeks’ notice makes it very difficult for another student to plan on attending. If there is someone else in your organization that would like to attend in your place – this fee will not be charged. The cancelation policy is outlined below:
상호명: 지이헬스케어코리아㈜
대표이사: 김용덕
서울특별시 중구 한강대로 416, 15층 (남대문로 5가)
사업자 등록번호: 129-81-14880
Email: my.gehealthcareko@gehealthcare.com
© 2025 GE HealthCare. GE is a trademark of General Electric Company. Used under trademark license.