It’s time for a simply better MR experience.
It’s time for an experience that embraces the clinical power of MR with a more ubiquitous design. For us, this is AIR™. Our family of products that includes an award-winning coil design, intelligent productivity applications and all-new reconstruction software. Altogether, AIR™ delivers clinical versatility and comfort, intelligent productivity improvements and consistently superior image quality.
SIGNA™ Architect – 70 cm
Now the potential for MR is even more astonishing with the SIGNA™ Architect, a state-of-the-art imaging solution that combines the advancements in MR technology with GE Healthcare's intuitive engineering. Fueled by the SIGNA™Works productivity platform, the SIGNA™ Architect is a harmonious design of form and function.SIGNA™ Pioneer - 70cm
The Works with SIGNA™ Lift
Get a next generation system built around your existing magnet to ascend your imaging performance and clinical capabilities to the highest level of care.
SIGNA Pulse of MR
SIGNA Pulse of MR은 고객에게 최신 MR 뉴스, 임상적 가치, 기술 혁신 및 업계 이슈 등의 정보를 제공합니다.
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