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Chemistry Systems

True discovery is made possible because of the biochemical processes that tracers allow us to see. As a result, the research and development of new tracers is just as important as innovations in the technology used to image them. This requires a commitment not only to the efficient production of important tracers like FDG, but also to the development of new tracers that will lead to new avenues of true discovery.

With over 20 years of expertise in PET diagnostic drug development and production as our guide, we developed a portfolio of chemistry systems designed to be highly productive and reliable for your everyday tracer needs, as well as customizable and flexible for your research needs.

FASTlab™ 2 is a multi-tracer platform featuring an innovative, cassette-based design that gives it a unique, plug-and-play functionality. This one-of-a-kind design improves usability, increases efficiency and is economical for wide-spread tracer distribution. In fact, this platform is so innovative and flexible, it’s our platform of choice for developing and producing our own proprietary PET tracers.

For facilities interested in developing novel tracers, the TRACERlab™ FX2 Series of chemistry systems provide the customizable functionality needed to explore different chemistry pathways that require manual manipulations.

With this comprehensive collection of chemistry systems, you can efficiently produce the tracers necessary for true discovery today, or research future tracers that will be needed for tomorrow.

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What sets FASTlab 2 apart from all other chemistry systems is its unique, cassette-based design. Pre-measured quantities of every chemical and component needed for the synthesis of a radiopharmaceutical are contained in a single cassette. That means it only takes two simple steps to start producing virtually any clinical tracer you need. All you have to do is drop in a pre-loaded cassette and the system is ready for processing.

This unique, cassette-based system not only simplifies this step of tracer production, it also makes it more reliable and secure compared to other methods. Our cassettes are manufactured in a controlled environment, pre-loaded with reagents produced under cGMP standards, barcoded for automatic identification and sealed shut. They are also disposable, so when a run is complete, each component that comes into contact with the chemical is replaced to ensure clean operation.

FASTlab 2 is designed for easy, confident production of a broad spectrum of PET tracers. It enables automated synthesis of FDG and other 18F-based PET tracers with high output and uptime. Two synthesizers can be stacked into a single hot cell, giving you greater output and saving valuable lab space. With our FDG Duo cassette, you can perform up to four FDG citrate runs without opening the hot cell door. In addition, FASTlab 2 Developer gives you even greater flexibility by enabling you to develop your own tracers and then allowing you to produce them using the cassette system.



product-product-categories-pet-radiopharmacy-singular chemistry-icon1.pngStreamline tracer production with a back-to-back synthesis setup that’s as easy as swapping out a used cassette with a new one

product-product-categories-pet-radiopharmacy-singular chemistry-icon2.pngConfidently support all of your daily tracer needs

product-product-categories-pet-radiopharmacy-singular cyclotron-cyclotron image 11.pngIncrease your daily production capacity with consistently high yields and shorter synthesis times that result in more doses per run

product-product-categories-pet-radiopharmacy-singular chemistry-icon4.pngEasily accommodate new tracers as they are developed

Minimal configuration with integrated technologies takes up the least amount of space possible
Minimal configuration with integrated technologies takes up the least amount of space possible
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