Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Nuclear Medicine Jungle Adventure
Come Explore
In your world, the right image is worth a thousand words. A calm, cooperative child can help you focus on acquiring the images that matter most for diagnoses and treatment. The Adventure Series™ seeks to disguise the equipment and imaging room that children often find intimidating, transforming the experience into an exciting adventure.
There is a story ready to be written. It's the story of your facility taking steps to become a leader in child-friendly imaging. And, GE Healthcare is here to help you get started. We'll show you how to use Adventure Series themes to enhance the imaging experience for patients, families, and your hospital staff as well. What's more, Adventure Series themes may be used to differentiate your facility in the marketplace and help you to stand out as the 'go-to' facility for pediatric scans.
Your patients may be able to discover common traits with our loveable Adventure Series characters!
Marcellus the MonkeyMarcellus is a "young fighter" who keeps smiling and laughing even when times are tough. The monkey is the group's clown, always trying to make the others laugh. Lively and active, Marcellus can't seem to sit still. But the others don't mind. They love sharing their friend's antics, jokes, and bits of mischief.Tillie the Tiger
Tillie is strong, both physically and mentally. No obstacle is too big to tackle. The word "cannot" has no place in this feisty young tiger's vocabulary! Tillie likes to take charge and is the first to try anything new. Outgoing and popular, everyone wants to be Tillie's friend.
Haley the Hippo
Haley is sweet, lovable, and sometimes shy. The young hippo has the biggest heart in the world, and that love is contagious. The hippo's fears stand out like big gold buttons — out in the open for everyone to see. The others are always there for Haley with hugs and calming hand squeezes.
Tara the Toucan
Tara is the brains behind the friends' adventures. This bright-eyed bird is very smart, and loves to read, draw, and tell stories. The others constantly beg to hear yet another exciting tale. Tara is a quiet leader. The others confide in the toucan, knowing they can depend on their friend to listen to them.
Use your Imagination
Adventure Series provides the setting for a great story to help ease the patient through the scan procedure. But why stop there? We have also created an Explorer’s Handbook for your facility. This CD of support materials helps you to integrate the rooms into exciting adventures from patient check-in to discharge.
The Explorer’s Handbook templates include:
- Hands-on coloring books that explain the procedure from a child’s perspective
- Field Guides to assist staff in weaving the adventure into the scan procedure
- Adventure Series character posters that help the patient to learn about Tillie the Tiger, Marcellus the Monkey, Tara the Toucan, and Haley the Hippo
- Reward-stickers that can serve as badges for a job well-done
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