Lung Cancer

Oncology Solutions

Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths around the world, causing more deaths than prostate, breast and colon cancer combined.1 Only 18.5 percent of patients will survive five or more years after being diagnosed with lung cancer.2
Reinforcing the National Lung Cancer Screening Trail’s (NLST)3, the Nelson study provided promising new results that annual screening of high risk patients using low dose CT had a 26 percent mortality reduction in the male trial.4,5 GE Healthcare provides high quality CT scanners for the new low dose lung cancer screening option.6

The Patient Journey

  • VolumeRAD™ Digital Tomosynthesis

    Volumetric images at a low dose. Right here, right now.
  • OEC Elite CFD

    OEC Elite CFD는 저선량에서의 편리하고 효율적인 워크플로우와 더불어 높은 이미지 선명도와 디테일을 제공합니다.
  • Computed Tomography

    저선량에서 더 높은 생산성과 효율성을 제공하는 고품질의 환자 치료의 중요성이 점점 높아지고 있습니다.  따라서 GE는 이러한 의료진의 요구에 부응할 수 있는 CT 시스템 개발에 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 
    의료진은 GE Healthcare 의 CT 제품군 중에서 정확한 영상화 요구에...
  • Advantage 4D

    Efficient and accurate visualization and assessment of respiratory induced motion with fast 4D image reconstruction.
  • IGS for Interventional Radiology and Oncology

    선명한 영상 검사를 통한 치료 영상 유도 시스템(IGS)은 의료 서비스 다양화와 함께 임상 기능 확대를 위해 GE의 최신 기술과 고급 애플리케이션을 사용하여 설계되었습니다. 방사선학 및 종양학 중재용 IGS는 탁월한 영상 품질과 함께 높은 선량 효율을 제공합니다. 종양 색전술 및 절제술 기법에서 탁월한 장...
  • VolumeRAD™ Digital Tomosynthesis

    Volumetric images at a low dose. Right here, right now.

The latest in Oncology

1. Dela Cruz CS, Tanoue LT, Matthay RA. Lung cancer: epidemiology, etiology, and prevention. Clin Chest Med. 2011;32(4):605-44.
2. Lung and Bronchus Cancer - Cancer Stat Facts.
3. National Cancer Institute. (2018). National Lung Screening Trial. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2018].
4. (2018). Nelson Lung Cancer Screening Study Confirms NLST Results. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2018].
5. NELSON Study Shows CT Screening for Nodule Volume Management Reduces Lung Cancer Mortality by 26 Percent in Men [Internet]. IASLC; 2018 [cited 5 November 2018]. Available from:
6. The FDA has cleared the following qualified GE Healthcare CT scanners to receive the new low-dose CT Lung Cancer Screening Option: RevolutionTM CT, Revolution GSI, Revolution HD, Revolution EVO, Revolution DiscoveryTM CT, Discovery CT750 HD, Discovery CT590 RT, Optima TM CT660, Optima CT540, Optima CT580, Optima CT580 W, Optima CT590 RT, LightSpeed TM Xtra, LightSpeed RT16, LightSpeed Pro32, LightSpeed VCT Select, LightSpeed VCT XT, LightSpeed VCT XTe, LightSpeed VCT, LightSpeed Pro16, LightSpeed 16 and BrightSpeed TM Elite. The following PET/CT and SPECT/CT systems that use the qualified CT systems are also eligible to receive the lung cancer screening option: Discovery IQ, Discovery PET/CT 610, Discovery PET/CT 710, Discovery CT670 with 16-slice CT and Discovery CT670 Pro.
